Asphalt Kingdom

Within the boundary lines of Sussex can be found a thin line where permanence and impermanence collide, a meeting point in which both seem to exist at once. Ruinous monoliths of certainty appear ineradicable in the ever changing landscape. ‘Asphalt Kingdom’ questions their place, ecological & theological meaning, and newfound purpose as this county rapidly changes around them. 

Amongst these ruins, theology and faith seem to have survived seemingly untouched brazen in their place within this brine battered sweep of hills, ditches and clay rich flatlands. This is realised in the 560+ Anglican places of worship still firmly nestled within the 1,461 square miles of the final Anglo-Saxon Kingdom to be christianised (680AD), this of course isn’t to mention the countless Catholic places of workship. That’s a church for every 2.6 square miles of land - and it’s no surprise if we look back; faith was at the centre of our culture after St. Wilfred had raised his blessed hand up to the masses.

So back to ruinous monoliths, upon visiting these impressive structures it came with no revelation that within the near vicinity I would find a place of worship, always still intact - a thought began to emerge. Faith, as far back as it stretches, was everywhere and has left vast topographical impressions on the English landscape - it shaped our Kingdoms, led them to war, it crafted both ideologies and ideals now seamlessly blended into society. These buildings in the small Kingdom of Sussex stand as an emblematic waymarker in our long and diverse history.